Hiya, I’m Sarah.

I’m a New England-based content leader, strategist, creator, and media fiend.

Overall, I want to write and edit my way to a happy life (where I expect there will be free cheese and cake).

Long-Form Writing

It all started here. My bread and butter is research-backed, long-form content and brand narratives.

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Portfolio Examples

Tools & Microsites

Give the people the tools they need and get out of their way.

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Events, Videos, Podcasts

Bringing together folks in-person and online. Check out video content from events, webinars, YouTube, and podcasts.

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Brand Direction

A brand refresh project for Cube Software that feels modern, fresh, and playful in a fintech field that feels anything but.

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Get in Touch!

If I’m not typing madly on my keys I might be off gasping for air or climbing some mountains. Either way, reach out to srhfrazier@gmail.com, speak your intentions, and I’ll get it touch!